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Meditation Program

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  This program offers you practical techniques to explore meditation and establish yourself in practice. Throughout the Meditation Program you receive one-on-one mentorship and support from Erin Byron. You also learn lifestyle factors that support a steady meditation practice, such as balanced emotions and staying relaxed.

  “What this program has done for me is to fill in the gaps between what I was already doing for myself and the places where I went off track. I have learned what I need to do for each situation as I continue to work on letting things go. I’m doing for myself and for other people too - to add for the world.”  ~Lisa L.

Each Trimester of the Meditation Program Offers:

  • Seminars
    Teaching meditation philosophy, history, and practice; small and large group discussions; personal reflection; yoga and meditation techniques to strengthen meditation practice

  • Practice Classes
    The practice sessions tend to follow the same format weekly:
    • Inspirational Chat
    • Warm-Up
    • 5 movements of the spine/Therapeutic Yoga Poses
    • Relaxation/Breathing
    • Occasional Guided Visualization Practice
    • Meditation
    • Inspirational reminder for keeping practice with you in daily life
    • Please note this class is available to the public and is a lovely way to prepare for enrolment in the program.

  • Meditation Workshops [Autumn, Winter, Spring Sessions only]:
2 hours on a weekend through the course of the program
To summarize the Tuesday seminar and serve as a handbook upon completion of the course
  • Clear Recommendations for Home Practice
This highlights benefits of your practice and helps you work through challenges with peer support and professional mentorship
  • Personalized Mentorship
You have Erin Byron, 15-year regular meditator and Director of YogaLife, Canada as a support. Individual meetings offer you personalized guidance through the process of establishing yourself in meditative practice and peace of mind.

  "This program has benefitted me in being a more complete person to myself, to my family, and to [my partner], in the way of not judging who I am or judging others, and learning to forgive others..." ~J.L.
YogaLife’s Meditation Program offers practical tools, simple philosophy, and individualized support and mentorship to persevere through the challenges:
  1. Facing the issues that lie beneath feeling that you are a “busy person”
  2. Learning to embrace discipline and routine as a blessing
  3. Learning to forgive memories of the past
  4. Develop a healthy relationship to your future goals
  5. Coping with and understanding your daily emotions
  6. Noticing what desires drive your life
  7. Understanding your sensory impressions and the mental disruptions they create
  8. Facing personal life issues for yourself and/or loved ones
Meditation is a lifelong art. Cultivating patience helps ease the tendency of wanting instant gratification. Community support nurtures your inspiration - the majority of successful meditators find group support essential, even when they are established in their own personal practice.

  "This course helped me to get control of my life." ~M.C.

The Full-Year Program includes certification as meditation teacher, a copy of Meditation for Your Life by Robert Butera, and opportunity to take the course again and again for 75% off. Personalized payment plans are available.


Erin Byron is the Director of Welkin YogaLife and has been teaching Yoga and Meditation for over ten years. In childhood, Erin enjoyed watch ing the waves of the lake roll in and out or the sparks of light move on the back of her eyelids. These early experiences helped shape her focus for when she began more formal meditation practice in her young adulthood. Erin's Master of Arts research studied the benefits of Yoga practices in coping with deep emotional pain and her research confirmed the deep benefits of meditation. Erin is grateful for the opportunity to support others on their personal growth paths and share the profound gifts of meditation.

Ronna Yallup is a Comprehensive Yoga Therapist and daily meditator. She has taken meditation training from authors Bob Butera & Thich Nhat Hanh and is grateful to share the benefits of practice!

Robert Butera, Ph.D., is the founder of The YogaLife Institute, publisher of Yoga Living magazine and Vice President of the Board of the International Association of Yoga Therapists. With over 25 years of meditation and yoga experience, he has worked with teachers and students throughout Japan, Taiwan, India and the United States. Bob is the author of Meditation for Your Life, which serves as a basis for the Meditation Program.

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45 Dalkeith Drive, Unit 13, Brantford, Ontario, Canada N3P 1M1
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